Monday, October 16, 2006

The newest doors that opened in my life

Pre-Law and Pre-Med students can train in any area of discipline at UCSD.

Therefore, being premed and the fact that my life is about music, I believe that a BA in music with an emphasis in Pre-med will suit me quite well. Benefits would be a greater day in my classes, stronger worship team, continued walk in medicine, and a more defined character overall. I wonder who was behind this one.


At 9:49 PM , Blogger Deanna said...

I am so excited for you Jimmy. You are awesome. I really respect the fact that you romped through the forest at Seattle. Maybe you can be a crazy jungle missionary doctor musician.

At 9:53 AM , Blogger Jael said...

I listened to Sharon's playing. It was incredible. I didn't know she was that good.


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