Sunday, September 10, 2006

Open-ended decisions

Following an awesome series of words, a phrase was spoken that just caught my attention. "...just in time for Christmas." I believe that this really has to be the most uplifting statement said all year.

Throughout this year, different events happened that sparked different things. And, those things created the choices and decisions we had to make in order for us to be where we are today. Then, those choices led to new ones, then new ones, and so on. So, before we even know it, Christmas is here. What decisions did you make and what determined if you were naughty or nice?

As for me, I believe that I've made great choices. Some were pretty scary at times but it came around in good favor. However, those decisions aren't really the ones that I feel affects lifestyle. It's always great to know that you can seal a deal in a good way by making good decisions. But, what about the decisions that are open-ended? I don't remember myself making any open-ended decisions.

Making choices without knowing the consequences are probably some of the most scariest things in life and I'd totally walk away from it every chance I get. But not this time. Blessed are those who trust in the Lord with all their might.

I don't know how Christmas, decisions, and faith all ties together, but it just does. If somebody does, please feel free to let me know.


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