Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Things spoken around me that I just can't seem to forget

Hah! Be careful of what you say, I just might post it up here. To start off, here are a few. Some were directed towards me and some were overheard without the two minute rule.

Conversational Masterpieces

"Get behind me Satan!" -Mon tee tee
"....but why?!?" -Ms Rice
Name something Exquisite. "Jimmy Dean..."sausage."" -citysec
"I stepped in it..." -PC
"You're not delivering my baby!..." -PBombacie
"I found you a wife..", "Is she the perfect one?", "Not yet..", "Oh great!" -Ptami and me.
"Boo!!.." -me, "Arrgghh!!..." -Ms. Louden (x2)
"Been there, done that..." -Benny
"I hope they give massages in heaven. Jesus said he's there to serve right? I hope he gives good massages." -Oakley
"You have the prettiest smile." -Ashley's Granny "You have the prettiest tooth." -A. Johnson
"Thanks for trying to be a gentleman.." -bolagi (i dunno how to spell her name), "Doh!.." -me

2 minute rule quotes of a lifetime

"I'd never go for anyone who is newly saved....." -Ms. Welsh "Thank God, I can cross you off my list..." -yours truly
".....this guy said he got 'something' in his *&#@%!" -Ms Rice and citysec. "Hey, I got sand in my *&#@%!!......" -umm...
"...I use to ride on a bus." -Ms. Louden, "The short one?" -your one and only. (I got hit after that one)


At 3:45 PM , Blogger Jael said...

I wana know who PT found for your wife!

At 7:55 PM , Blogger Al said...

Ha ha - I was there for the "You're not delivering my baby!" one. It was hilarous - shockingly hilarious, as is any occurence with Jimmy T.

At 10:16 PM , Blogger Sounds Like Natella said...

The Ms.Louden exchange had me laughing! I can just picture it now.....

At 11:21 PM , Blogger Jenny said...

Jimmy, I definitely think some of these quotes need to be read IN CONTEXT for the full understanding . . . you may have some explaining to do!


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