Thursday, August 24, 2006

Concerts and Venues

I think everyone by now knows that music is my life. Any concerts that come around that anyone wants to see, call me, I'll definately go. Anybody that wants to come with me, just let me know so I can get tickets with the seats together. Also, if anyone wants to bless me with some tickets, that would be awesome too.

Must see:
Oct 4th 2006 Mariah Carey


At 11:11 PM , Blogger Sounds Like Natella said...


You are KILLING me with all the changes to your posts! Anyway, you better mention that "must see" to Donna. (She's in obsessed-mode with Mariah right now!)


PS- I finally finished that new post.

At 11:40 PM , Blogger Jimmy T said...

She said no

At 2:46 PM , Blogger Sounds Like Natella said...

Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?! I'll see what I can do about getting you an sf mug (maybe for christmas?!) I will probably visit for the wedding in january.

At 12:20 AM , Blogger Deanna said...

Jimmy, you are awesome. You should write about your exceedingly great revelations through scripture sometime. Go YP!!

At 2:34 PM , Blogger Jael said...

I listened to your songs. Good work.


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