Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Intern Miracles and Blessings

I'll be keeping a log of what miracles are happening to me for the next 9 months on here.

Just when I thought I had to give up school this semester, my teachers allowed me to switch my Tuesdays and Thursdays classes to Monday and Wednesday evening which allowed me to continue school while being an intern. My Friday teacher let me stay registered in her class and allowed me to attend the Monday and Wednesday morning class instead of Fridays. The result is that I'll continue to get my school allowance, go to school, and be serving.

My talents, my spiritual life, my discernment, and my passion for serving increased even higher with day 1 intern. This wouldn't have happened if I didn't do the intern program.


At 3:15 PM , Blogger Deanna said...

Yeah Jimmy! Keep praying Man of God!


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