Sunday, September 17, 2006

"I have a dream..."

Well, I had a dream, not the dream that Martin Luther King had, but a king's dream who needed to have his dream interpreted by Daniel. This was the dream that loosened the rock which later became a new focal point in my life. After further examination, this rock is now what I believe to be the intern year of my life. God's foundation for a new mountain that will reign over cities. This also triggered my memory of Ps. Wendell Smith's prophesy about me in that I will be overlooking cities and using my hands to mend things and take care of things.

I know that this will be a step back with my schooling, but of course it will be a positive step forward with a new foundation of making the prophesy come to pass. Upon completion of intern, I believe that I will be more on fire to complete my med license and pass the exam the first time around. I'm looking forward to many more miracles to come and hope that everyone who reads this believe that God just changed my life. I will be keeping a journal of my events on this journey because I know right now, my life is not in my hands. Live your life to the fullest and God bless everyone.


At 11:14 PM , Blogger Deanna said...

Yeah!!! I'm so excited! You have to post more about this dream. Four days until blast off!!!

At 8:49 PM , Blogger joy said...

That is so powerful, Jimmy! God is going to do so much in and through you this year! I'm excited to read your posts for these next 9 months!!!

At 12:04 PM , Blogger Sounds Like Natella said...

YOU'RE AN INTERN? I CAN'T BELIEVE IT, SO I GUESS I'LL HAVE TO SEE IT! (I'M TYPING LIKE THIS B/C I WOULD REALLY LIKE TO BE YELLLING THIS AT YOU RIGHT NOW!) Well my friend, I too am looking forward to hearing about miracles in the next 9 months!


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