Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Intern Miracles and Blessings

I'll be keeping a log of what miracles are happening to me for the next 9 months on here.

Just when I thought I had to give up school this semester, my teachers allowed me to switch my Tuesdays and Thursdays classes to Monday and Wednesday evening which allowed me to continue school while being an intern. My Friday teacher let me stay registered in her class and allowed me to attend the Monday and Wednesday morning class instead of Fridays. The result is that I'll continue to get my school allowance, go to school, and be serving.

My talents, my spiritual life, my discernment, and my passion for serving increased even higher with day 1 intern. This wouldn't have happened if I didn't do the intern program.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

"I have a dream..."

Well, I had a dream, not the dream that Martin Luther King had, but a king's dream who needed to have his dream interpreted by Daniel. This was the dream that loosened the rock which later became a new focal point in my life. After further examination, this rock is now what I believe to be the intern year of my life. God's foundation for a new mountain that will reign over cities. This also triggered my memory of Ps. Wendell Smith's prophesy about me in that I will be overlooking cities and using my hands to mend things and take care of things.

I know that this will be a step back with my schooling, but of course it will be a positive step forward with a new foundation of making the prophesy come to pass. Upon completion of intern, I believe that I will be more on fire to complete my med license and pass the exam the first time around. I'm looking forward to many more miracles to come and hope that everyone who reads this believe that God just changed my life. I will be keeping a journal of my events on this journey because I know right now, my life is not in my hands. Live your life to the fullest and God bless everyone.

I found you!!

After constant hunting everywhere for her, I finally found her. I've been practicing everyday for the day that I would finally get the chance to get a glimpse. Thank you Lord for bringing such an awesome instrument of worship into my life. My 8 string bass to be. Now this is one godly instrument. Hallelujah!!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Happiest day

I thought the happiest day in someone's life is getting married. Not for me. Mine is the day I have my music classes. The first day I went through my classes with the biggest smile in which I couldn't hide. My teacher even asked me about it. "Music is my life," says Jimmy. Anyway, I thought it was just going to be the first day of class because of anxiety and all of that. But nope, it happened again. I can't help it. Music, school, and people talking about music is too much for me to handle. Therefore, I can't stop smiling. It's the next best thing to prayer. And, the best part is that my teacher is cute and plays the piano pretty well. And I thought the path to becoming a surgeon is going to be tough, bah. At this rate, I'll be an awesome med student in no time.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Open-ended decisions

Following an awesome series of words, a phrase was spoken that just caught my attention. "...just in time for Christmas." I believe that this really has to be the most uplifting statement said all year.

Throughout this year, different events happened that sparked different things. And, those things created the choices and decisions we had to make in order for us to be where we are today. Then, those choices led to new ones, then new ones, and so on. So, before we even know it, Christmas is here. What decisions did you make and what determined if you were naughty or nice?

As for me, I believe that I've made great choices. Some were pretty scary at times but it came around in good favor. However, those decisions aren't really the ones that I feel affects lifestyle. It's always great to know that you can seal a deal in a good way by making good decisions. But, what about the decisions that are open-ended? I don't remember myself making any open-ended decisions.

Making choices without knowing the consequences are probably some of the most scariest things in life and I'd totally walk away from it every chance I get. But not this time. Blessed are those who trust in the Lord with all their might.

I don't know how Christmas, decisions, and faith all ties together, but it just does. If somebody does, please feel free to let me know.