Monday, October 16, 2006

The newest doors that opened in my life

Pre-Law and Pre-Med students can train in any area of discipline at UCSD.

Therefore, being premed and the fact that my life is about music, I believe that a BA in music with an emphasis in Pre-med will suit me quite well. Benefits would be a greater day in my classes, stronger worship team, continued walk in medicine, and a more defined character overall. I wonder who was behind this one.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Kidz City Worship

A new song was released this week by the interns. I have the recording of it under the Recording link. This song was written by Nic Schneider who also played the guitar and is the lead singer. Me on the bass. Jared on the drums. Donna, Jason, and Jared as background vocals. The recording was done at Exum Recording. We recorded it in about 3 hours. The only thing we didn't get to do was record the vocals so there might be a little distortion. This song came up when Donna apparently asked Nic not to use the word utter when writing a song. Well, being guys we had to go against the rules and this was what came out and is now being spread around City Church. I hope you guys like it.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Rosarito, Mx Oct 29th-30th

After a full morning of intern prayer, we were off to Rosarito. Only about 10 minutes after we crossed the border, we became a starving bunch to where we needed to have something to munch on. Meanwhile, Levi and Matt were upfront chowing down on some cookies. We finally noticed only to find out that there was one left. Anyway, Matt was kind enough to pass the last cookie around to everyone. Just for info, we had about 15 in the shuttle, all of us splitting the only cookie. Well, after about 3 people had their piece of it, it was finally given to me. I didn't know we were doing the breaking of bread thing and so I just ate the whole piece that was given to me. Boy, I got the worst look from everyone. And so, I started laughing. Anyway, we were ready to wrestle over cookie crumbs.

After that, we stopped at a really good taco place somewhere around Tijuana. Hope you guys notice that we weren't really in too far before we got hungry. Everyone pigged out there and then we went on to grandma's house. (Rick's grandma's house) When we got there, it wasn't more than 10 minutes before Ps Bob started to preach. After the preaching, we started the prophecies to over 50 pastors and their wives. It felt like something out of Exodus. A huge movement of spirits. Too powerful of a story to explain. One testimony did stand out. This testimony is now berthing a new missionary program in Chile that provides care and housing for children. Not bad for our first trip huh.

Dinner time came and we ate all the food we could eat, which was more tacos. There was also dessert and coffee and coke with real sugar.

Later that night, the guys found at least 6 M80s and so it was only natural to search for a lighter. We also gave each other welts. That's all I can say about that.

The next morning we slept in until it was time to go eat our breakfast. Our breakfast was plentiful and nobody left there half filled.

Overall, many lives were changed that weekend and lots of healings took place. What else could be better than that?