Friday, July 28, 2006

What you don't know about me..

I'll randomly change and delete things that I write in this area only because not many of you really know what I'm actually like when I'm by myself. There are just so many things, but I'll just let you in on a few secrets for now.

1. I was in the Rose Parade in Portland while marching with my high school band, twice.

2. I took piano lessons.

3. I almost died 2 times within 2 minutes while river rafting in Australia.

4. I broke my left pinky.

5. I have a clean driving record.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Things spoken around me that I just can't seem to forget

Hah! Be careful of what you say, I just might post it up here. To start off, here are a few. Some were directed towards me and some were overheard without the two minute rule.

Conversational Masterpieces

"Get behind me Satan!" -Mon tee tee
"....but why?!?" -Ms Rice
Name something Exquisite. "Jimmy Dean..."sausage."" -citysec
"I stepped in it..." -PC
"You're not delivering my baby!..." -PBombacie
"I found you a wife..", "Is she the perfect one?", "Not yet..", "Oh great!" -Ptami and me.
"Boo!!.." -me, "Arrgghh!!..." -Ms. Louden (x2)
"Been there, done that..." -Benny
"I hope they give massages in heaven. Jesus said he's there to serve right? I hope he gives good massages." -Oakley
"You have the prettiest smile." -Ashley's Granny "You have the prettiest tooth." -A. Johnson
"Thanks for trying to be a gentleman.." -bolagi (i dunno how to spell her name), "Doh!.." -me

2 minute rule quotes of a lifetime

"I'd never go for anyone who is newly saved....." -Ms. Welsh "Thank God, I can cross you off my list..." -yours truly
".....this guy said he got 'something' in his *&#@%!" -Ms Rice and citysec. "Hey, I got sand in my *&#@%!!......" -umm...
"...I use to ride on a bus." -Ms. Louden, "The short one?" -your one and only. (I got hit after that one)

Friday, July 07, 2006


Hello everyone. Just when I didn't think I'd add more things on my plate, here is my first blog. I'm just figuring out how this works. See you all in church.

Peace out.