Thursday, August 24, 2006

Concerts and Venues

I think everyone by now knows that music is my life. Any concerts that come around that anyone wants to see, call me, I'll definately go. Anybody that wants to come with me, just let me know so I can get tickets with the seats together. Also, if anyone wants to bless me with some tickets, that would be awesome too.

Must see:
Oct 4th 2006 Mariah Carey

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Me, CV surgery, and the reasons behind it.

Many of you by now knows that I'm enduring my butt off to become a Dr. Although, only a few knows the actual reasons of why, how, and what prompted me to choose this long path. And so, I decided to write it on here. That way it'll be clearer for everyone, as well as myself in case I have any 2nd thoughts later down the line.

First and foremost, it was definately the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. The reason I knew is because of the following:

1. What the enemy meant for evil, the Lord uses it for good. I wasn't always accustomed to seeing and working around blood or any other grotesque things. At least not until Pastor Jerry prayed for me. At first, I just wanted out of my head, but after the prayer, it wouldn't leave. So as a result, the emt/ paramedic route was the first seed that was planted inside me.
2. Unless the Lord builds the house, the people labor in vain. There is a shortage of physicians and doctors. Let alone, missionary physicians. Since the emt route is a beginning in the medical field, I just knew that if I was going to change my career to be in the medical field, there was only one way for me to go. Becoming a physician and working for the church. Missionary physician.
3. God's will, God's bill. The government and many private sectors offer many grants in order to be in the medical field, especially as a minority. Thereby, being practically paid for in order to become a Dr.
4. I was already molded without me even knowing. All of my classes that I've taken prior to my decision carried over into the premed outline.
5. The path to heaven is long and narrow. So is the path to becoming a surgeon. If I can't do this, what makes me think that I'd be able to endure the path to heaven?

As far as Cardiovascular Surgery, this was decided when I started taking my premed classes. I found myself excelling in the cardiovascular system. Since this was going to be the easiest area of study for me, I knew that this was the area to specialize in. I also took a peek at the salary for this area and found it to be a godly amount. I knew he wants me doing this because it's the highest paying Dr.. How else would this area be easy for me and for it to be the highest paying position? Besides, I've did my share of breaking hearts.

Therefore, currently I'm studying for my MCAT in order to get into med school. This is going to be fun and I really thank everyone who is involved with me and my life and the Holy Spirit inside them. Without you all, I would not be in the position I am today. Everyone has planted something good inside me and continues to water and nourish it. I am truly blessed to have met everyone. There's just so many words to say what I feel, but I'll just begin by thanking everyone. Thank you so much and I love you all.