Monday, January 08, 2007

Update on my life

After five days of snowboarding during the winter break, I came back with bruises at every single joint on my body with the exception of my left shoulders and my fingers. By going there, I found out that Loma Linda Med School is at the base of the mountain. What better place is there for med school?

Anyway, interns started again and so has my college work. I have three symphonies that I have to attend and write a paper on by the 23rd of January. If anyone wants to come, just call me.

I also went to the dentist. Don't you just hate them. You always come out feeling that you never brushed your teeth or something. They told me that I have gum diseases, my teeth were going to fall out, and that I needed to replace them soon if I don't do anything about it. I came home and my teeth looked fine to me so I don't know what they are talking about. I think they just want my money.

I hope this helps everyone know what I'm doing. It's hard for me to get a chance to talk to anyone much. Peace out and God bless.